Within Temptation y Keith Caputo juntos en What have you done

Cine, TV y música

16 Marzo 2008

Aprovechando que estoy de vacaciones (Aleluya!!!!) me he puesto a escuchar bastante música que tenía pendiente, ya que estamos de sequía con las series…

Y descubro que Within Temptation ha grabado el año pasado un nuevo disco, The Heart Of Everything y el single principal lo han grabado con… Keith Caputo.

Primer plano de todos los componentes del grupo Within Temptation

Para casi todos vosotros será un gran desconocido. Si os digo que es el vocalista de Life of Agony igual os suena más. Pero yo le conocí hace muchos años, ya que en mi viaje a México, mi primo, el Dudinho y su amigo Brawnie me enseñaron un disco suyo, en solitario, y desde entonces siempre me ha gustado.

Keith Caputo posando en la playa

Y ahora no puedo parar de escuchar la canción, me encanta, y toda la estética del video-clip también. Espero que también la disfrutéis.

What have you done

Would you mind if I hurt you
Understand that I need to
Wish that I had other choices
Than to harm the one I love

What have you done now

I know I’d better stop trying
You know that there’s no denying
I won’t show mercy on you now

I know I should stop believing
I know that there’s no retrieving
It’s over now
What have you done

What have you done now

I, I’ve been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now
Why, Why does fate make us suffer
There’s a curse between us
Between me and you

What have you done x4
What have you done now
What have you done x4
What have you done now

Would you mind if I killed you
Would you mind if I tried to
Cause you have turned into my worst enemy
You carry hate that I feel
It’s over now
What have you done

What have you done now

I, I’ve been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now
Why, Why does fate make us suffer
There’s a curse between us
Between me and you

What have you done x4
What have you done now
What have you done x4
What have you done now

I will not fall
Won’t let it go
We will be free
When it ends

I, I’ve been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slippïng away
What have you done now
Why, Why does fate make us suffer
There’s a curse between us
Between me and you

1 comentario sobre “Within Temptation y Keith Caputo juntos en What have you done

Natalia 18 de Marzo, 2008 a las 11:19:

Hablando de buena música…. MEGACONCIERTO EN KOBETAMENDI.


Ya he comprado las entradas. Q GANAS DE Q LLEGUE LA FECHA!!!!!!

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